
The formula for overcoming the crisis does not seem too difficult: a lot of hard work and a good dose of enthusiasm. This is the view of José Luis Gómez, general manager of one of the Costa del Sol’s best-known clubs: La Quinta Club & Country Club

1 –What additional challenges are there in taking over a golf club in these times rather than during the years of economic bonanza a while back?

–It’s a major challenge. Before, clients were knocking on the door but now you have to work hard to achieve adequate levels of revenue and costs, without letting this affect the quality of service and amenities the client receives. I don’t believe golf clubs are an exception in facing up to the crisis, and obviously moving forward is a challenge in itself. Everything has changed and we have to manage things in a very professional manner and, I believe, in a significantly different way than up till now.

2 –What are La Quinta’s strong points in comparison to the competition?

–My first instinct would be to say the excellent condition of the course and, in particular, the reputation our greens have, as well as the superb and varied amenities: Hotel Melià La Quinta, the spa, the golf academy, the paddle tennis courts, etc. But what really makes us stand out is the incredible staff – they ensure the course is one of the most popular among golfers.

3 –And the Costa del Sol courses in comparison with those in rival tourist destinations in Europe and the Mediterranean area?

–The fact we have so many courses in such a concentrated area is very positive, and if you add to this the climate we have and the complementary amenities then the Costa del Sol is a very attractive destination. We also cannot ignore the fact that, unfortunately for them, the turbulent events occurring in the Middle East are going to mean some tourism from there is redirected to Spain, thanks to the stability we offer.

4 –La Quinta has held two European Senior Tour events and a third one is scheduled for October. In what ways do you believe these top-level competitions have an impact on the club’s image?

–Hosting these kinds of events is like a major internal audit of your structure. The fact that the European Tour chooses you to host a tournament means you are doing things well and, what is more important, prompts you to enter into a process of ongoing im- provements. This year we have changed the whole irrigation system and have modified part of the C layout, making it even more attractive. In addition to this event, in September we will be hosting the Spanish Women’s Open, part of the Ladies European Tour. Being chosen by the LET to hold this event makes us doubly proud.

5 –La Quinta International School was one of the pioneers at this level on the Costa del Sol. Now that there is a proliferation of similar schools, what makes the Las Quinta one stand out from the rest?

–In addition to a recent remodelling of the swing analysis amenities and improvements being made to the practice areas, the main difference is that it is run by and can count on the advice of former world champion Manuel Piñero – and that is something difficult to match.

6 –Are you noticing any increase in the number of golf rounds being played on the Costa del Sol that would suggest there is reason for optimism in the industry?

–The start of the year has been very hard and only in the last few weeks has there been any cause for renewed optimism. Making any forecasts is increasingly difficult because we don’t receive bookings very much in advance, but you have to think positively and, above all else, work hard to ensure our destination remains one of quality and not only volume.

7 –What would you do to boost the number of tourists visiting Andalucía if you were a highranking politician with responsibilities in this area?

–In addition, obviously, to managing the resources well and planning a communication and marketing strategy that is coherent with the times, independently of the party in power, I would improve the infrastructure, including the famous coastal railway line that we are all eagerly awaiting. Above all else I believe the key is to ensure our region remains safe and secure, as this is becoming increasingly important to people when they decide on their holiday destination.

8 –When you speak to golfers visiting your club, what is it that they appreciate most about this area as a tourist destination, apart from golf of course?

–In addition to being able to play in short sleeves, on wonderfully sunny days in winter, when the temperatures in their own countries are often below zero… the cuisine and the locals’ outgoing nature.

9 –Can you tell us a joke – even a bad one – about golfers?

–A man and his friend are playing golf. The friend, who has a small dog with him, sinks a two-metre putt, and the dog claps with his two front paws. “That dog is amazing. What does he do if you miss?” “Somersaults,” replies the friend. “How many?” “Well, it depends on how hard I kick him.”

Sitio web de La Quinta Golf Marbella